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Creditor Rights in Nashville, TN

Shuttleworth PLLC’s creditor rights and bankruptcy attorneys have significant experience in handling bankruptcy and creditor rights issues for their clients. We represent national, state and community banks, commercial lenders in addition to other creditors.

We Specialize in the Following

Foreclosure Proceedings

Represents banks and other lenders in residential and commercial foreclosure proceedings throughout the states of Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi.

Bankruptcy Representation

Represents creditors of consumer and commercial borrowers in secured and unsecured claim preparation and allowance proceedings, petition and plan review in Chapter 7, 11, 12, and 13 cases, plan confirmation, automatic stay litigation, as well as discharge and dischargeability actions.

Collection Litigation

Makes demand on borrower for repayment of note and filing suit in state court seeking judgment and/or repayment plan.

Eviction Proceedings

Assists banks and other property owners in securing possession of real property.