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Transportation Liability

The transportation business is the backbone of the country. It’s also a business filled with huge potential liability exposure and a variety of nuanced issues. Shuttleworth PLLC has experience in representing clients in a wide range of businesses within the transportation industry, from trucking and intermodal carriers to rental car companies. Its experienced team can help your company when it hits legal speed bumps and can advise you on a wide array of legal issues, from employment matters to contractual issues to liability claims.

Business people contract. agreement was signed co-investment business

Focus on Your Business

When your company needs help, let the Shuttleworth PLLC team do the driving so you can focus on running your business.
The transportation business is the backbone of the country. It’s also a business filled with potential liability and issues. Shuttleworth PLLC has experience in representing clients in a wide range of businesses within the transportation industry, from trucking and intermodal carriers to rental car companies.

Legal Speed Bumps

Its experienced team can help your company when it hits legal speed bumps and can advise you on a large assortment of legal issues, from employment matters to contractual issues to liability claims. When your company needs help, let the Shuttleworth PLLC team do the driving so you can focus on running your business.