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Complete Health Care Liability Defense

When medical care doesn’t go as planned, the path to resolution can be daunting and complicated. At Shuttleworth PLLC, its healthcare liability attorneys bring unrivaled experience to each case. Whether it’s a case of medical malpractice, wrongful diagnosis, or any other form of poor healthcare services, it is committed to guiding you through the legal process to deliver positive outcomes and peace of mind.

Courthouse Pillars

Decades of Experience

Shuttleworth PLLC attorneys are committed to excellence in healthcare liability laws. Its healthcare liability team brings a profound depth of knowledge to each case. Its experience in the courtroom, combined with a thorough understanding of medical and legal intricacies, equips them to handle even the most challenging cases effectively. The Shuttleworth team ensures each client benefits from a precise defense strategy. Its experience and commitment make them not simply attorneys but powerful advocates for those facing complications in the realm of healthcare liability.

Old Books on a Shelf

Understanding Health Care Laws

For more than four decades, its experienced attorneys have represented physicians, dentists, nurses, hospitals, same-day surgery centers, nursing homes, psychiatric facilities, and other health care facilities and providers in several challenging areas of medicine. It believes everyone deserves a positive and dependable defense for their unique case. Its attorneys are versed in several medical and health care fields to provide the best defense possible. It has represented individuals in the following fields of practice:

  • Anesthesiology
  • Cardiology
  • Emergency Medical Transportation
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Medical Facilities and Hospitals
  • Neurology
  • Nursing
  • Nursing Homes
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBGYN)
  • Oncology
  • Podiatry
  • Psychiatry & Psychology
  • Radiology
  • Rehabilitation Providers
  • Surgery
  • Urology

Your Health Care Liability Advocates

Any allegation of breaching the standard of professional care by healthcare providers can lead to severe repercussions. The healthcare liability attorneys at Shuttleworth PLLC support healthcare providers with the knowledge and resources needed for success. It skillfully defends against unjustified claims using a broad network of medical professionals and skilled witnesses. Through diligent work, it believe thorough readiness positions itself and its clients for the most favorable outcomes possible. Contact the practice today to set up your defense and protect yourself and your professional career.