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Handling Tough Product Liability Claims

Whether based on Strict Liability, Negligence, Breach of Warranty, or allegations of Consumer Protection Act violations, effectively dealing with a product liability claim can be one of the most important undertakings facing designers, manufactures, distributors, sellers and users of a product.

Shuttleworth PLLC has earned a reputation for handling tough product liability claims.

Wooden brown judge gavel on the table, copy space, banner background

Matters It Handled

The firm’s product liability team has achieved favorable results in catastrophic injury and wrongful death claims throughout the eastern half of the United States and have handled matters involving designers, manufacturers, importers distributors and sellers in the various industries which produce products or component parts for such products as:

  • Automobiles
  • Trucks
  • Recreational Vehicles
  • Motorcycle Helmets
  • Computer Software Design
  • Tools
  • Marine and Maritime Use Such as Boats, Boat Accessories and Related Equipment
  • Insulation Materials
  • Building and Construction Materials
  • Food Processing Equipment and Appliances
  • Lawn Maintenance Equipment
  • Electrical Devices
  • Food Products
  • Medical Devices
  • Pharmaceuticals and Over the Counter Drugs
  • Furniture
  • United States Consumer Product Safety Commission Matters
  • Product Recall Issues in the United States and Canada