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Professional Negligence & Fiduciary Liability Attorneys

Navigating the complexities of professional negligence and fiduciary liability demands a seasoned legal team with a deep understanding of the intricacies involved. The dedicated and knowledgeable team at Shuttleworth PLLC stands out for its experience handling such cases, offering thorough legal support tailored to each client’s needs. With a rich history of successfully resolving disputes, its accomplished attorneys are steadfast in delivering justice and securing favorable outcomes for its valued clients. Trust Shuttleworth PLLC to guide you through the legal intricacies with diligence and dedication, ensuring your rights are protected every step of the way.

Scales of Justice and Law Book with Gavel

Meet the Seasoned Legal Team

With decades of combined experience, its team brings a wealth of combined knowledge to each case. Their diverse knowledge and unwavering dedication have led to a track record of consistently securing favorable results for its valued clients. This success underscores its commitment to delivering top-tier legal services marked by excellence and client satisfaction.

What Does Professional Negligence & Fiduciary Liability Law Include?

Understanding the nuances of professional and fiduciary liability law is critical for anyone who believes they’ve suffered from the carelessness or misconduct of a trusted professional or fiduciary. Individuals like lawyers, accountants, trustees, and financial advisors must act competently and in their clients’ best interests. Should a professional or fiduciary not uphold their end, risk of loss can arise, including:

Breach of Fiduciary Duty

Legal actions are initiated when a fiduciary, an individual with legal obligations to act in the client’s best interest, fails to do so, leading to financial loss or damage.

Professional Malpractice

Claims against professionals outside of the health care field fail to provide services to a standard expected of their profession.

Conflict of Interest

A situation where a professional or fiduciary has competing interests that don’t align with their client, compromising their duty.

Improper Advice or Misrepresentation

These are instances where professionals provided inaccurate advice or misrepresented facts, resulting in financial losses or other harm.

Failure to Comply with Regulations

Legal issues arise when a professional or fiduciary fails to follow regulation standards or laws governing their profession.