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Navigating Insurance Coverage Disputes

Insurance and reinsurance transactions are often complicated. When coverage disputes arise in connection with these transactions the stakes are high for all parties. Often these disputes prompt  additional claims involving related matters such as insurance intermediary liability, vendor and contractor breach of contract, Consumer Protection Act violations, Unfair Claim Settlement Practices,  charges of post claim underwriting and bad faith.

Old Books on a Shelf

What It Offers

Shuttleworth PLLC litigates first party and third party coverage related claims on behalf of its clients, both Claimants and Defendants, in matters involving:

  • Declaratory Judgments
  • Reinsurance Claims
  • Contract Rescission
  • Premium Audit and Retro-Adjustments
  • Construction Defect Issues
  • Additional Insured Issues
  • Policy Exclusions
  • Pollution
  • Classification Limitations
  • Bad Faith
  • Fraud